Friday, July 28, 2006

pda breaking news blog

pda breaking news blog: "Hp Rz1715

Brighthand Reviews the HP iPAQ rz1715 and writes - ‘The rz1715 has gotten a bad reputation in the handheld industry for being unattractive, slow, and lacking sufficiant storage capacity.

aving used this handheld, I have to disagree with the people who are giving it a bad rap. It is quite fast enough for its target market, and the addition of an inexpensive SD card bumps its storage capacity up considerably. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but this device, at the very least, is dull looking rather than ugly.

First-time handheld buyers should really consider the rz1715 for its decent feature set at a good price.’

PC Mag reviews the HP iPAQ rz1715 and writes - ‘HP’s latest low-end handheld offers too little for your money. Pros: Thin and light. Cons: Very little memory. Poor battery life. Overpriced."